Top Coder Award - STEAM 2018 Award Ceremony

25 November 2018

Sheldon received the WeCode top coder award (advance category) amongst 400 submissions from 8 countries in the 2018 WeCode International Competition. He created a game based on the theme: "Solving Challenges for Smart Cities". The award ceremony was held in Shenzhen, China on 25 November 2018. 

Sheldon’s video of his smart city game was showcased to the audience attending the STEAM 2018 award ceremony. 



Certificate awarded

Creative pop-up card workshop in Teluk Intan

Sheldon and Emerson will be conducting a 3D pop-up card workshop in Teluk Intan on 23 September 2018, at 10 am.

Inspiring kids with their storybooks

The storybooks authored by Sheldon and Emerson, "The Time Dimension" and "Attack of the Evil Clone" were well received and Sheldon and Emerson spent some time autographing many books. Many parents said that their children were inspired to write and draw stories after reading their books. 

Providing musical accompaniment

Sheldon and Emerson uplifting the atmosphere by providing musical accompaniment for a group of children at a 3-day children camp. The children were practising several songs to present to their parents at the closing ceremony of the camp.

Children learning up a song.

Rehearsing the actions for the song. 

The children rehearsed diligently. 

Watching Sheldon playing a pop song

Pop-up card workshop

25 August 2018

Sheldon conducted a pop-up card workshop for a group of children.

Best Project Award for "Hack the City"

17 August 2018

Sheldon and Emerson as a team, were the winners for the "Best Project Award for making our city lifestyle better" in the "Hack the City" Smart City Hackathon organised by University of Southampton, Malaysia, The Institute of Engineering and Technology and Chumbaka. Hack the City was a 10-hour event which started at 9 am and ended at 7 pm, in which they learned about arduino, mobile apps and IOT.

Sheldon and Emerson designed a car park app for the mobile phone, which they integrated with arduino for the sensors. They were the youngest, and had to obtain prior approval from the organisers to participate in this event, as it was meant for 13 years old and above. Some participants were college students and adults. This project was conceived on the spot by Sheldon and Emerson and done during the workshop. 

Sheldon and Emerson pitching their project to the judges and the group.

Sheldon and Emerson with the organisers from University of Southampton, IET and Chumbaka.

Medals received

Thanks to the organisers for providing this opportunity!

Saving the Earth with Earth Boy and friends

Emerson is currently working on a comic entitled "Saving the earth with Earth Boy and friends!".
The illustrations were from Emerson and the colouring and editing done by Sheldon. 

This chapter is called Beach Clean-up.

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